>Submarine Sandwich
Would you believe I wasn't finished cutting out felt??

It's true. Today, I spent a few hours cutting and trimming more felt for the foundation of what will be a beaded Beatles' Yellow Submarine. I also glued and stitched some of the layers together. I had to make sure that each piece lined up with the next. I know it seems seems slow, but this part of my creative process is very important because the outcome greatly affects the overall structure of the finished piece.
After cutting the felt, these 3 odd shapes emerged from my work table. The large piece is 10 felt layers thick!

Then, I stitched together the first 3 layers...

...and put the odd shapes into place.

Then, I put on the top layer.

It's a submarine sandwich! :D
The body of the sub will remain 5 separate pieces until the beadwork is finished. It will be much easier to work with that way... Now, I think I'm finally ready to start beading, but all that talk about submarines made me hungry! LOL.
Oh. Before I forget, today, my friend Jimmy talked me into joining Yelp. It's a social networking site where users can review local businesses. For some reason, I thought Yelp was only for restaurant reviews, but actually, you can review most any type of business. So, I wrote a few reviews of my favourite bead shops in Massachusetts! Check it out:

If you're on Yelp and you want to know where I shop for beads & other art supplies in the Boston area, add me as your friend! Now, I'm gonna go grab a midnight snack.... :0